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A taste of things to come...

The clocks have gone forward and the sun shinning, it makes us feel happy and hopeful of things to come...goodbye dark winter nights - hello summer! We have lots and lots of exciting things to share with you soon but here is a little taste...with much more to come....

Bright summer shopper bags!

Spring clean and colour with our bold cushion covers.

We're so pleased with with our new and improved dresses...they will be available in huge range of vibrant colours and patterns - this 'jungle dress' is one of my favorites– they’re perfect for summer days.

All our products are designed to show off the selvedge of the fabric (because that what you do in Uganda!), everything is in small runs and limited edition (for example, there is no more than two of each size in any one fabric of our dresses) so you can be sure you are getting something very special!

We're are all hoping to do much more to help even more children this year so please help us spread and share with your friends, family and colleagues.

With love from everyone involved in awamu