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Fatuma wonders why we are all here...then she gets a surprise that will change her life

Fatuma gets a surprise that will change her life... I'm so thrilled to be able to share this film with you today.

You may remember Fatuma for my previous messages, she and her three children were left destitute after floods washed away their home and few possessions.

But with the money we raised from through our shop and extra donations from some of you lovely people we were able to give her a surprise that will change her life.

We made this little film so you could share in the moment with us.

Watch Fatuma's reaction when she realises what happening...

The relief and sense of hope is palpable.

Thank you for giving Fatuma the opportunity to take control of her life and look after her lovely children Winnie, Akram & Esther.

To help more mums like Fatum start a business, take control of their lives and help their children get the education that is vital to their future please visit our fundraising page here