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Kampala video diary : day 3, 4 and 5 of our gardening project

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More organic gardening - this time with added epic lightening and rain storms. This is what we have been up to for the last few days in Kampala..

A few days late due to technical issues (no power!).

Sadly, we can’t always give you good news. Do you remember Winnie and her Fatima?

As you'll see, a few days a go we had a storm to end all storms.

The rain was so heavy the flooding burst the banks of the open sewers where they live and the water rose so high it caused a wall to collapse on the children who were in bed.

Bricks fell on Winnie and her little brother. Thankfully, we think we think they got away with just some bruises and scrapes.

The family had nowhere to go (and it would have been dangerous to try and move our in the dark with the small children when the water was so high) so they piled up what furniture they had to keep themselves higher than the water and sat it out waiting for the flood to subside.

They saved their plastic cups and plates but have lost nearly everything else including the 30,000 shillings (£7.50) she had saved in a bag that was to pay her rent and buy food for the family.

We’ve given her some emergency cash to buy food for the family this morning and they are packing up anything that hasn’t been destroyed.

SInece we filmed this we've have found her some temporary (and safer) accommodation and just talking through a longer term plan of action to get the family back on their feet. We'll let you know what happens shortly but if you would like to make an extra donation to help the family we will make sure whatever you donate is used to help them rebuild their lives.

Follow this link to our donation page