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No more post before Christmas - it’s party time!

There are now officially no posting day left until Christmas here at awamu – our festive celebrations have already begun. Yesterday the first party for the children we work with in Kampala was held in Makerere.

It was organised by Nulu Nabunya, Executive Director of MAWDA one of the awesome women’s groups we work with in Kampala and she has sent this message for you…

“We thank everyone for the support they have given us which made this such a successful and wonderful party.

“We ate, drank soda and danced. The children were even given gifts (new clothes for Christmas). They were very happy and we want share the photos so our friends in the UK feel they were at our party too.”

 This is the first of many thank yous coming your way – because as well as supporting Children through primary school and training their guardians in skills to earn a living – many of you have also contributed to parties for the kids.

.Party 1 image7

Party 3 image2

Part 4 image5

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