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Our London to Paris EPIC adventures in pictures...

We're back safe and sound (bar a few achy knees and shoulders) and what a massive adventure we have had - 13 people, 178+ miles, 12 punctures and (of this very moment) we have raised over £10, 899 (enough to support another 17 children)! I'm still lost for words so here a brief synopisis and a visual treat - 13 sweaty folk peddling to Paris....

Day 1: 56 miles, 6 punctures, the ride of a thousand hills and the pizza of punishment.

Day 2: 43 miles, 3 punctures (on the same bike),  ferry, 'wow less hills', a bit of rain....on reflection the least punishing day.

Day 3: 80 miles, more AND MORE hills, sheeting rain and wind, two incidents of fallings off bikes (no one severely injured), 3 punctures, more pizza, cycling through forest (more hills).

Most importantly, we all finished together in Paris and drink a bit of fizz under the Eiffle Tower


A massive thank you to everyone that supported and spsonsored us from all the awamu London to Paris team: Kerry Bradshaw, Sam Carrington, Joey Leech, Stefan Goodchild, Amy Huges, David McDade, Ian Wilde, Anna Gurney, Bernat Rueda, Ben McCormick, Tim Shearring and us (Emma and Steve).

You can see more photos from our adventures on our facebook page > click here

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