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Video: life in Bwaise & Jordan

We have added this video which we hope will give you a little more insight into the reality of life in Bwaise. As you will see, homes like Regina’s are built on swamp land which floods two to three times a year – though many of the homes submerged in water all year round.

On our way to Regina’s home we meet a young boy called Jordan. It worried me when we meet him as on our previous meeting he had been very smiley and playful but that morning he was very withdrawn and he seemed disorientated.

We later realised he was very hungry and yes, of course he was disorientated, he had only come to live with his aunt in Bwasie three weeks before after both his parents died of aids related illnesses within a week of one another.

Jordan, 3 years, and his brother Joseph, 4 years, are now staying with their aunt Christine Mugwanya. Christine explained how Regina helps her care for the boys:

Regina supports me, she is a good woman. She just arrived at my door one day like a blessing. She visits everyday and helps me to understand how to look after them.

"They are very upset because they don’t understand where their parents are. Jordan is hiv positive and he needs special care to stop him getting sick. Jordan always cries so much especially at night. Life is not easy but all I want is to stay with my children and be able to get food for them.

“I am alone now – all the rest of my family three brothers and three sisters - have all died except me. I look after eight children, five of my own and Jordan,  Joseph and Ivan my brothers son. My husband is fed up with me taking on all these children, he leaves food for our own children but not for the other three.

"I earn money by cooking samosa. After frying samosa in the morning at 9am I go and cook porridge for children in the local school. In a day I can earn 5000 (c£1.50p) which I use to buy food and medicine for the children."

In the slums of Uganda’s capital city Kampala there are no public services to support women and children like Christine and Jordan. And because most families live on less than one dollar a day, they are unable to afford basic healthcare or education.

Wonderful women like Regina are doing all they can to help in their own community but they don’t have the resources to help with school fees, food or medication.

100% of the money raised from the sale of our lovely things and any donations will be used to provide small education grants so our kids can complete their basic primary education and give their guardians a small fund help them start up a business so they can feed and care for their families.

Beyond providing the grants we want to support our children in other ways too - we want to help build their confidence, support them with their studies, train them in practical skills and provide emotional support…..they have the right to safe, happy childhood.

£59 could buy a school uniform, schools fees, books and pens

£16 could buy a good pair of school shoes

£69 could provide small loan to help a guardian start a small business that will help them feed their family

£23 could cover the cost of school fees for one term

£483 could cover the school for seven years

£62 could buy warm clothing, mosquito net, mattresses, school uniform and scholastic materials for one child

£613 could support one child through seven years of Primary Education and a small start up loan so their guardian can earn enough money to feed their family

Browse our lovely handmade things or make a donation

Many, many thanks to Kerry Bradshaw for filming and editing the video - and for your support and inspiration.