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Child headed households

Meet Juliet, 14, she wants to tell you about her life in Bwaise, Kampala.

In Uganda there are around 42,000 homes run by children.

So whilst we will celebrate the gloriousness of all women this International Women's day, we are especially thinking about vulnerable girls like Juliet who are the sole providers for their family.

To understand her situation you must also understand a little of the neighbourhood that she lives in too...

In Uganda:

  • 2.7 million orphaned children, 1.2 million due to AIDS.
  • 56% of children in Uganda will complete primary school, less than 25% enroll in secondary school
  • Uganda has the world’s 2nd youngest population. 48.7% are under 15 years old. 78% are under 30. Unemployment at 20.17% is persistent, and young people are disproportionately affected with 80% of 15-24 year olds unemployed

Bwaise (where Juliet lives):

  • 59% live on less than 0.50p a day
  • 40% of households live on one meal a day. Few have access to anything other than the cheapest of food like ground maize to make a thin porridge
  • An estimated 80% of households earn their living from sex work. Rates of HIV infection are estimated to be as high as 35% in sex workers

These stark statistics give you just a taste of the battle that girls like Juliet face everyday but your support means we can provide education, skills and enterprise training so they can survive and gain control over their own lives -  THANK  YOU.

To give an special donation to help girls like Juliet this Womens Day please click below:


Thank you