London to Paris - oui oui!


Bonjour! We hope you'll be out enjoying the sunshine over the bank holiday...we planning a cycle from Whitstable following the coast path to Broadstairs - attempting to combine fitness with fun.

A few of us crazy kids thought it would be a grand idea to cycle from London to Paris to raise extra cash to help our kids in Kampala...and we need to be fit for August!

We are covering our own costs and 100% of the money raised will go towards helping children like John…

This is John, now nine months, he was abandoned by his mother when he was two months old. His mother, who was a commercial sex worker, had taken him for an HIV test and the results indicated that John had a combination of TB and HIV.

On top of being HIV positive John was very malnourished as his mother, who was struggling to look after him, would lock him in the house without any food when she went out to work.

We don’t know who John’s father is. His mum abandoned him in the house (a single room) that she was renting. John was found Ms Prosy Namagembe. Prosy is a member of Tusitukirewamu Group she is a widow and living positively with HIV/AIDS.

Prosy reported the case to local leaders and efforts were made to trace the mother but without successes. Prosy has taken John in and with the help of the money raised through the sale of our lovely awamu goodies and extra nutritional support given by ActionAid Uganda John is turning into a happy, bouncing baby…

Prosy told me ‘I would always support him to be returned to his own family if we could trace them and they were able look after him..but he is now a treasured member of my family. We love him’.

And we want to make sure that awesome women like Prosy are able to take care of kids like John so please sponsor us

£59 could buy a school uniform, schools fees, books and pens

£16 could buy a good pair of school shoes

£69 could provide small loan to help a guardian start a small business that will help them feed their family

£23 could cover the cost of school fees for one term

£483 could cover the school for seven years

£62 could buy warm clothing, mosquito net, mattresses, school uniform and scholastic materials for one child

£613 could support one child through seven years of Primary Education and a small start up loan so their guardian can earn enough money to feed their family

You can see more pictures of some of the kids we are already working with here

With love (and acute fear of chaffing).

Team awamu


*Want to cycle with us and do your own fundraising?

It’s not too late to come along, get in touch if you want to join us.