Mothers day 2017


On mothers day we are grateful for the determination of so many women fighting for a better life for the children in their care. 

We send extra love to the all mums (including all the aunties, sisters and foster mums we know acting as guardians for orphaned children) doing all they can to keep their their head above water in the hope that their children will have a better life.

You are our heroes.

Last week we asked for your support so we could help Milly and her children, Nassiwa (6 years) and Shellat (4 years).

They had been staying in temporary accommodation that a well-wisher let her use. No one else wants to live in it as it is damp all year round.

Heavy rains caused the water in the open sewers that surround her home to rise and flood through their home.

The filthy water washed away their few possessions and contaminated everything else.

With your help we have been able to assist Milly with food for the children and new clothing.

Her children have been enrolled in school and we are going to support Milly to gain new skills so she is able to earn money, take control of her life and take better Nassiwa and Shellat.

Thank you.

Read more about Milly, Nassiwa and Shellat here.

Set up a regular gift to help a family like Milly's here.
