On air in one hour


We are thrilled that we are more than 70% of the way to hitting our target for Big Give Safe Haven Appeal.

Our Nansamba Safe Haven will be more than a refuge for girls experiencing violence, our experienced community-based team will give vulnerable girls access to lifesaving, ‘girl-friendly’ healthcare including emergency post-rape care, trauma recovery, safe motherhood services & sexual reproductive health.

Girls are also invited to join our skills training programme - covering tailoring & business management (with childcare provided). Our team will support them to secure employment or start a business, helping them to earn a sustainable income, support themselves and feel strong like Miriam (below).

Thanks to the Big Give, anything you donate before the 6th December will be MATCHED, so your gift goes twice as far.


“I was 4 months pregnant when my husband beat me up until I miscarried. I lost the baby, but I couldn’t go and get treatment because I didn’t have any money and I was too ashamed.

“I started getting a fever and was very sick. The women from TWG (Awamu’s partner in Kampala) came to visit me and took me to their clinic. The nurse washed me inside and helped me treat the infections that I got after the miscarriage.

“I was married very young. My husband bullied me and made me feel weak. I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone, and I was cut off from my friends. He made me feel like I was something to be ashamed of, that it was my fault he hit me.

“But I am strong now. The team gave me support, I met other girls who have been through the same things as me. We counsel each other and have become friends. I joined the tailoring programme and now I am working and I am able to take care of myself’. Miriam, 17 years.

If you have already donated, THANK YOU. If you haven’t or would like to donate again you can help to make this project reality by donating now.


Please join us for our online weekend long Christmas party from 16.00 tonight until 21.00 tomorrow (Sunday 4 Dec). Together artists and Purple Radio DJ’s will be playing all the best music to help raise funds for girls in the slum who are experiencing violence.

There will be great music, chat in the forum and all donations made will be doubled!

Find out more here.