Awamu Radio Kampala EP.03: I am not small

Awamu Radio Kampala: Episode 03
Awamu Radio Kampala

In episode three Hope gives her definition of Children's Rights and what you need to feel 'nice' in life. Tony and Sharon discuss food and education – is it possible to learn to your fullest when you are hungry? Aisha sings and introduces herself and her philosophy of life A chance to think about the happiness as well as the sadness in life. Idents by Umaru; Vincent; Ivon.

Made with the support of Awamu, this is the third in a series of podcasts brought to you to show you the different sides of the lives of children and teenagers living in Bwaise and Kikoni slums in Kampala, Uganda. Part of a project to build their confidence, communication skills, and critical thinking.

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Rui Teimao